Audio from the
Narrated by Dr Fiona Kerr
Your Hippocampus is part of your brain's limbic system, involved in your pain and pleasure, your memory, mood, appetite and motivations.
Our Hippocampus forms, and re-forms, emotional reactions and affective motivations; from our socialness to our stress and anxiety, sculpting our emotional reactions and combining with memory to form emotionally regulated, long term memories.
These frame our world, a wonderful knowledge that tells us, it's not what we look at but what we see, that informs how we feel and act. Our Hippocampus helps us to orient, regulate and navigate our emotions.
Our Hippocampus helps us to see a better way, and a better world, by orienting and helping us to maintain balance, agency, and choice in our emotional reactions.
In the course of our lives, and at each stage of our lives, as we grow our Hippocampus we shape our world view as one in which we connect, commit, act, find joy and build contentment.
We can change the way we see and feel.
Dr Fiona Kerr
Founder and CEO
The Neurotech Institute