
Audio from the

Narrated by Dr Fiona Kerr

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How does knowledge grow into wisdom?

Knowledge grows through a wonderful process fusing insight and information with learning and memory. As we move through our day, our Hippocampus collaborates with other areas of our brain taking relevant information from different areas and combining it as required.

Our brains are interconnected webs of combined knowledge like three dimensional networks of delicate spider webs intertwined, wiring and firing together.

Connecting to each other and our world, we also connect with ourselves allowing self reflection; key to wisdom and increasing awareness of our internal biases that shape the lens through which we see ourselves, others and the world.

Reflection lets our Hippocampus ‘test’ our biases, helping us to change and grow.

The fostering of wisdom takes our deepening understanding, knowledge and insight to take action for the common good. Our emotional engagement is assisted by our Hippocampus as part of our moral brain. It helps us decide what is important, recollect the past and imagine a better future.

When knowledge becomes wisdom, we care. We act.

Dr Fiona Kerr
Founder and CEO
The Neurotech Institute

our brains are interconnected webs of combined knowledge