Audio from the
Narrated by Annie Harvey
Mindfulness of Hands
A simple way to REST our mind.
Our hands are excellent objects of meditation.
With over 1 billion nerve endings, there is a vast array of sensations in our hands that are constantly showing us the present moment, allowing us to REST our mind, just for a while.
Let’s take a moment to do this together.
Allow your hands to REST, in your lap, on your knees, or wherever feels comfortable.
Bring your attention or awareness into your hands and simply notice the sensations. Do you notice any tingling?
Can you feel air passing over the skin?
Do you notice any coolness or warmth?
Now, holding one hand gently in the palm of the other, look closely at it and notice all the details, all the lines, all the marks.
(PAUSE with silence?)
Now reflect on how much your hands have done for you over the course of your life so far.
(PAUSE with silence?)
Mindfulness Hands is an exercise from the book, The Little Book of Still. Proceeds from sale support the Breakthrough Mental Health Foundation.